Thursday, August 27, 2009

A bad plumbing job

OK about my adventures with this house. It has been a major remodeling job from the beginning. Weellll all that aside I finally got moved in and of course it took a week to get the phone and Internet on. Well I started having problems with my sewer line backing up. If I washed clothes I filled the tub up. It finally got to the point that we could not flush the toilets yesterday. Steve and I both were outside and under the house today trying to find the problem. We finally found it outside just past the concrete slab behind the house. It had been broken at some point in it's life before we moved in. Well guess what like all the plumbing under this house it was never glued at the joints. Who does not glue their plumbing joints together. I know things are rough all over but a can of pipe glue is not that much. So we start digging in the stinky dirt. YUCK and it was a major gusher when we moved some of the dirt we just stepped back and watched. As I write this Steve is on his way to Lowe's For another connector because we cut the pipe outside the house in hopes of draining it. He pulled the whole piece up and we moved some dirt to get the gushing drainage. So It is another day of fixing bad construction I really need to find good contractors.

The big move

This the second writing of this as one of my kittens spooky is trying to help me type it. Sorry for the blur he would not stop walking and he is also trying to share my pork rinds which is why he's head in the bag. And Ms Mittens is the top picture. We finally got moved into my house  about 2 weeks agoYipppeee. My future mother in-law was happy to because she was babysitting a cat that had adopted us and gave me five kittens. Well we brought them home and oh did the fun begin. Of course anyone who has had to haul cats knows they do not travel well. So their first day here and they have to get a bath. You know that card with the cat in the sink all wet and soapy we had that in spades. So we get all the cranky Kitty's washed and dried and then we let the dogs out. Well Ms Mittens(momma) was used to Taz who is a the same size she is. Well here come my two monsters Mittens about came unhinged she started hissing and snarling. Poor King took one look at her and ran. Now here is a 50 lbs dog running from a cat, but I can't say much as Skeeter did to and he's over 100lbs. The dogs were glued to my heels it was a case of mommy save me from the big bad putty tat. Ms Mittens in all her determination to get the dogs got me twice in the next 12 hrs. We won't discuss the condition of my legs let tell you they are rough looking. I know have a cat who runs the house and her five kittens. One of them reminds everyone of the cat in Bed Nobs and broomsticks complete with missing fur (Spooky). It was so bad here that the first 2 days I had to take my dogs to my mothers while I went to work. Because Mittens would stalk the dogs. I wish I could have recorded it. It was funny to watch. That first morning they were here is when Mittens really got me. OK I walk out of the bedroom with both dogs on my heels and here is Mittens sitting in the living room (start Theme from Jaws) She goes to attack the dogs and I mean all claws out and sharpened and she got me instead OUCH. Well I let out a yell that wakes everyone up and since the kids had school no biggy right. My poor daughter I yelled at her to get me a towel as I am bleeding all over the place and I limp to the door to take to the dogs out still bleeding. I open the door to come back in the house with the dogs (start Jaws Theme Again) and Mittens is in the laundry room just waiting to pounce. The dogs would not come back in at all with her there. So I'm still bleeding as I run the cat off so we can get back in the house. By the time we get back in my towel is waiting, Steve is up and he got bandages and what not to wrap my shredded leg. (It's a good thing I like animals) Poor Steve he works nights so me squacking was not what he wanted to wake up to right after he got to bed. So we have now started day one. Of course that was 4 days ago so my legs are finally starting to heal. I promise you much more of the insanity that is now very normal in my house. And yes the Jaws theme still Plays to this day